The Journey
Autor: Jessye Parker  |  Album: fara album  |  Tematica: Diverse
Adaugata in 18/02/2006
The road ahead is unforeseen

Sometimes rough and very mean

Its hard to prepare and make good plans

When you've lost sight of the promise land

So open your heart and feel the LOVE

That is offered from our God above

This LOVE from God is not to hold

But to share with others and let unfold

As you do your gift will show

In all of your colors a positive glow

With God beside us as our shield

All the bitterness he shall heal

The road ahead now seems clear

With God as our guide we have no fear

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Iosua 1:8 Cartea aceasta a legii să nu se depărteze de gura ta; cugetă asupra ei zi şi noapte, căutând să faci tot ce este scris în ea, căci atunci vei izbândi în toate lucrările tale şi atunci vei lucra cu înţelepciune.